Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Sandhill Cranes

Image result for images of sand hill cranes

Aren't we fortunate to have these beautiful birds as our neighbours! 
Yes they are noisy and they do dig up lawns and greens, but they also provide us with opportunites to view them up close.  Not all birds let us get so personal!

According to Southwest Florida Water Management District Florida sandhill cranes are long-legged, long-necked, gray, heron-like birds with a patch of bald, red skin on top of their heads. Sandhill cranes fly with their necks outstretched with powerful, rhythmic wing beats. Florida's sandhill cranes are a threatened species that are found in inland shallow freshwater marshes, prairies, pastures and farmlands. Sometimes they can be seen on lawns throughout Florida. They are sensitive birds that do not adjust well to changed environments and high human populations. Sandhill cranes are usually seen in small family groups or pairs. However, during the winter, Florida's sandhill crane population increases as cranes from northern states spend the winter in Florida. Sandhill cranes are omnivorous, meaning they eat  variety of plant and animal matter. Some of their favorite meal items include seeds, plant tubers, grains, berries, insects, earthworms, mice, snakes, lizards, frogs and crayfish. Unlike other wading birds, such as herons, sandhill cranes do not "fish." The voice of the sandhill crane is one of the most distinctive bird sounds in Florida. This "call of the wild" has been described as a bugling or trumpeting sound, and can be heard for several miles. Florida sandhill cranes stay with the same mate for several years and young sandhills stay with their parents until they are about 10 months old. Like their endangered relatives the whooping cranes, sandhills live to be older than most birds. In fact, some sandhill cranes live up to 20 years.

And, Florida Fish and Wildlife has this information posted on their website -
Sandhill cranes are cherished members of the Florida ecosystem. They stand
almost 4 feet tall and their bugling or rattling calls are haunting and beautiful. 
Sandhill cranes occur in pastures, open prairies and freshwater wetlands in 
peninsular Florida from the Everglades to the Okefenokee Swamp.
Florida sandhill cranes are present in many urban areas and some unlikely places 
such as golf courses, airports and suburban subdivisions. This is probably due in 
part to the rapid development of their native habitat by humans. Cranes are 
probably attracted by the open setting (mowed grass) and availability of some 
foods (acorns, earthworms, mole crickets, turf grubs).
People inadvertently put them in harms way when they attract these birds to 
their yards with feed. Some "feeding" is accidental such as when bird seed is 
spilled from feeders by other animals onto the ground below making a nice 
feeding station for cranes. But, some people deliberately feed sandhill cranes. 
In 2002, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission made it illegal 
to feed sandhill cranes (Florida Fish and Wildlife Code 68A-4.00(3)).
Why is feeding cranes prohibited?
Cranes fed by humans can become aggressive toward people. In several instances, 

children have been attacked by cranes. Cranes fed by humans also have been 
known to damage window screens and do other property damage. This behavior is 
probably a response of the birds to seeing their reflection, bringing out a 
territorial defense behavior (scratching at windows or shiny automobiles). 
Cranes also are more likely to tangle in human garbage in areas populated by 
people. Cranes are more likely to crash into power lines in urban areas where 
such aerial hazards are concentrated. Cranes attracted to people's yards 
for feed are put at risk as they walk across roads. Many sandhill cranes 
are killed each year on Florida roads. Attracting cranes to urban areas 
increases the threat of predation (especially to young cranes) by dogs 
or cats. Further, the cranes' diets, which normally are quite diverse, are 
disrupted when they eat one food item (such as corn), consistently. 
Heavy pesticide use in urban lawns also is of concern. Young sandhill cranes 
have died from pesticide poisoning.
It's never a good idea to feed wildlife. People inadvertently put cranes in harms 

way when they attract these birds to their yards with feed. Florida sandhill cranes 
have an abundance of natural foods (insects and small animals) and they do not 
need handouts from humans. There are many reasons why cranes should not 
be intentionally fed by humans. For the good of the cranes, please do 
not feed them.
Four things you can do to better coexist in "Crane Country"
  • Never feed cranes and encourage your neighbors not to feed cranes. Cranes 
  • are less likely to inhabit urban areas if easy meals are not provided.
  • Cover or move automobiles so that cranes cannot see their reflections in the 
  • shiny surfaces. Windows or glass doors that the cranes attack can be 
  • temporarily covered with material so that the birds do not see their reflections.
  • Temporarily cover windows or screens. A string mounted on stakes about 
  • 2.5 feet off the ground will provide an exclusion "fence" around the parts of 
  • homes (window or pool screens) that are being damaged by cranes.
  • Accept some digging for food. Cranes sometimes damage lawns and gardens 
  • as they dig for food such as mole crickets and beetle grubs. The birds, in this 
  • case, provide natural "biological control" of these common pests of turf.

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