Monday, November 13, 2017

November 2017

M a n o r   P l a c e   P o s t S c r i p t
Your village blog ...

Thanks for stopping by the PostScript, your village blog. 

This month we take a look at some sage advice for retirees, GRANDkids coming to visit and a website that can save us all some money and who doesn't like to save a little money.  Check out the Retiree Advice, things to do when your grandkids come to visit and 'thriftyfun'!  Some good ideas, suggestions and fun reading!  

I hope you take a minute to view the Manor Place PostScript.  As always, please let me know if you have suggestions or ideas that you would like me to post information about that would pertain to our village and its' residents. This is your Village Blog!  

REMINDER - Manor Place Village ongoing Charity

Save your pull tabs from soda and other cans then deliver them to Brian and Judy Neville's home located at 2386 Portmarnoch Ln.  There is a collection box at the front door. After the tabs are weighed, the money is given to Ronald McDonald House.  This is a year-round endeavor. Thank you to our residents for continued support of this fundraising venture!

~ Gayle Luth 

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