Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and 
Best wishes for the New Year! 

Hi there,

So happy that you stopped by to read a bit of the Manor Place PostScript. 

It is such a busy month with preparations for the season of Christmas and the holidays.  Guests and family are coming to visit, or some of our residents are returning north to be with their relatives and friends for a few weeks.  Shopping, baking, wrapping and celebrating! 

Wherever you may be enjoy and remember to share some time with others.  That truly is the real gift and spirit of Christmas!

~Gayle Luth, Editor

PS  Thanks goes out to Bruce Chilson and Steve Schwartz for getting the Gazebo ready for the holidays.  They took time out of their busy schedules to decorate the Christmas tree and strategically placed wreaths around posts and pillars.

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